Aaron Peters

10 Great Web Performance Blogs

  • 3 min read

Want to learn about web performance from the pros? Check out my list of active blogs maintained by web performance experts. Enjoy!

Addy Osmani

Addy is an Engineering Manager at Google working on Chrome. In 2018, he wrote a 'famous' article The Cost Of JavaScript In 2018 on Medium. Not to my suprise, on June 25 2019 Addy published the follow-up The cost of JavaScript in 2019 and again it's packed with useful information that any frontend developer must know.
Check out Addy Osmani's blog.

CSS Wizardry

Harry Roberts provides CSS and performance consultancy services to companies around the world and is well-known within the CSS and web performance communities. Since 2009, Harry has published well over 200 articles on his blog about CSS, architecture, performance, and web development.

Tim Kadlec

Tim is 'that friendly tall guy' and an active, well-known and respected member of the web performance community. Tim works as an independent performance consultant, publishes web performance articles at a high frequency, speaks at conferences and writes books like High Performance Images.

Jeremy Wagner

Jeremy is a web performance consultant and 'loves to make the web both fast and fun for everyone, everywhere'. Sometimes Jeremy publishes an article on his own site but most of his articles are on sites like Google Web Fundamentals, Smashing Magazine and A List Apart. I especially like his articles Delivering Fast and Light Applications with Save-Data and Get Ready for Priority Hints.

Doug Sillars

Doug is an independent performance expert and developer advocate, speaker at meetups and conferences and he wrote the book High Performance Android Apps. His blog has articles like Base64 Encoding on the web: Anti-Pattern and Chrome’s Experimental Image Lazy Loading Flag

Dean Hume

Dean is a author, blogger, and software developer and regularly writes about Progressive Web Apps (PWA) and web performance.

A Faster Web

Shawn Maust publishes well-written web performance articles at a high frequency. Recommended recent reads include Choosing Project Performance Goals and Responding to Jank in Real Time.

José M. Perez

José is an engineer at Facebook and Google Developer Expert in Web Techologies. His blog posts are often long reads (good!) and cover important topics, like performance culture.

Andy Davies

Andy is a UK-based independent web performance consultant and a regular attendee and speaker at the bigger web performance conferences. Andy has written a few web performance books including A Pocket Guide to Web Performance and Using WebPageTest. Every now and then Andy will publish a lengthy article on his blog and this is always worth the 10 minute read. Check out Andy Davies' blog

Performance Calendar

"The speed geek's favorite time of the year" is the tagline of the famous Performance Calendar. Since 2009, Stoyan Stefanov has been able to get web performance experts and advocats to write articles and publish those on the Performance Calendar. The concept is simple: from December 1 through December 31, one new article is published every day. The Performance Calendar is an archive of high-quality and often lenghty web performance articles, packed with tips and insights.
